Noir Professionals

5 Signs a 9 to 5 Career Isn’t for You

For many of us, getting good grades, a post-secondary education, and a respectable job with benefits is the ultimate goal in life. From a young age, we’ve been sold this dream of “making it” by the adults in our life and society at large .

While millions of people achieve success and happiness in their professional and personal lives through this linear path, it doesn’t work for everyone.

For some, it’s a recipe for disaster that ultimately leads to unhappiness, unfulfillment, and stagnation – yikes! 

Does that sound like you? How do you know you’re truly not cut out for the 9-5 life and not just going through a rough patch?

Knowing what is and isn’t for you is a blessing. Here are a few signs to take into account.

You feel restless when you’re at the office

The majority of us might be working from home by now because of the pandemic, but some could be going back to the office sooner rather than later. 

If the thought or sight of endless cubicles, bustling open concept spaces, and people milling about or making small talk makes you shudder, you’re not alone! 

There’s just something about being in a corporate environment that can trigger  restlessness and the feeling of being trapped in some people. 

You don’t like working strict hours or having structured days

Kind of like feeling hopeless when you’re working at an office all day, having to work with a strict schedule every day can make you feel like you have no autonomy over your career or life. Additionally, having to attend regular meetings and doing repetitive tasks may feel draining and make you want to jump ship.

You spend most of your work day fantasizing about literally anything else

Are you at a point where you’re easily distracted from your daily tasks, and making a habit of procrastinating by daydreaming?

Whether you’re fantasizing about being on a beach somewhere, launching your own venture, or doing literally anything other than your job description, this could be a sign to rethink your career path.

Maybe it’s time to be honest with yourself and explore what it is you would rather be doing with your life and career. Journaling or creating a list of possibilities (no matter how “far fetched”) could shine a light on your unmet desires, potential, and dreams!

You can’t get behind paperwork, formalities, and corporate culture

Maybe you love doing your job, but you hate the paperwork that comes with it. Or you enjoy being part of your industry, but you dislike keeping up with standard formalities. Or perhaps, you simply dislike how unyielding corporate culture can be. 

Unfortunately, even if you love your career, things like administrative tasks, industry practices, and corporate culture can be hard to separate from your role – it’s just part of the package.

The question to ask yourself is whether these factors are deal breakers for you.

You don’t like reporting to authority or being told what to do

Unless you’re the CEO of a company, having a boss is just part of working a 9-to-5. 

However, if things like being assigned projects you don’t want to do, not having a say in the clients you work with, or being micromanaged makes you feel heated – that’s a big red flag.

If you’re feeling any negativity about having to answer to anyone, it’s important you don’t allow it to build into resentment. Instead, start considering alternative career paths where you can call the shots.

The 9-to-5 lifestyle isn’t for everyone. No matter how many times other people tell us it’s the only way to be successful and happy, it’s simply untrue! 

Once you’re sure a traditional career path isn’t for you, don’t waste any more time trying to squeeze yourself into that box. Roll up your sleeves and find a strategic or unconventional way to redefine your current job position, or create an entirely new opportunity for yourself! 

At the end of the day, life’s too short to stick to a job or lifestyle you hate! There are

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